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DevOps GitLab Hackathon – Getting started!

Tooling: GitLab SaaS
Environment: GitLab Pages
Excelerator: GitLab Auto DevOps
Software: Hugo
Estimated Time: 10 mins

Let’s create a GitLab account and get started.

Next, we will need an environment and some code to use. Let’s use GitLab Pages for this. Create a new project and select from an Auto DevOps template. In a later post, we will explore how to create your own Auto DevOps Template this will be important as each organization will have its own standards and security practices. For now, we will use the out-of-the-box template GitLab provides.

I’m starting with Hugo. Where it doesn’t have a “code compile” it does generate pages from the source content and gives us something we can see and change.

From here, you now have a repository, a very simple CICD pipeline, and a deployable project that you can see running.

Next, we will explore creating an issue, milestones, branch, and deploying some changes.

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